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What is the meaning of 'to take the high road'
Outside of this song, taking the high road more often means walking the narrow path, the road to heaven, a life of truth and integrity. The low road means taking .'to_take_the_high_road'


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Urban Dictionary: high road
High road refers to a higher moral ground. "Taking the high road" expression refers to one being a "class act" during a very difficult time. Those ...

Samuel Hoffman | The Journal Gazette
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meaning taking the high road

meaning - Attacking by "Taking the high road" - English Language ...
Apr 26, 2011 . In you example, I don't think #2 is taking the high road (having a higher moral standard). He is pointing out that #1 is stooping low, which is .

Take the high road | Blog
May 27, 2008 . I know from experience it's difficult to take the high road (I don't . Thank you for you excllent explaination, I really catch the exact meaning of the .

high road - definition of high road by the Free Online Dictionary ...
high road also high·road (h r d ). n. 1. a. The easiest or surest path or course: the high road to happiness. b. The most positive, diplomatic, or ethical course. 2.

Re: "take the high road"
Apr 14, 2006 . In Reply to: Re: "Take the high road" posted by ESC on April 14, 2006 . about the difference in meaning in British and American English.

Take the high road at this time? - WordReference Forums
May 13, 2009 . Re: Take the high road at this time?. Here is a definition of high road which I believe applies to your context: A course of action which is .

high road - definition of high road by Macmillan Dictionary
Define high road. What is high road? high road meaning and more by Macmillan Dictionary. . take the high road: The paper took the high road and didn't .

I take the high road, it lacks traffic – COB Motto by Crooked I
Meaning. 'Taking the high road' means being moral and mature in a . To help improve the meaning of these lyrics, visit "COB Motto" by Crooked I Lyrics and .

How long is each session? Sixty minutes (45 minutes standing and 15 minutes of floorwork that concentrates on glutes and abdominals)

Taking The High Road: Lessons From Sandra Bullock | Celebrity ...
Jun 7, 2010 . “Take the high road” is arguably one of the most cliched pieces of . meaning to, Bullock showed us there's actually a middle road – one on .

Highroad | Define Highroad at
Highroad definition at, a free online dictionary with . men, filled with indignation against the plutocracy, might take to the highroad, burn down a .

Then Life Happens - Take the High Road
Mar 1, 2012 . Lately, I have realized that many people have not heard the saying take the high road or understand its meaning. I then remembered that until .

high road - Definition and pronunciation | Oxford Advanced Learners ...
high road - Clear definition, audio pronunciation, synonyms and related words, . to take the most positive course of actionHe took the high road in his campaign.

high road translation French | English-French dictionary | Reverso ...
high road translation french, English - French dictionary, meaning, see also 'A . to take the high road (=be prudent) se montrer prudent(e) , adopter une ligne .

– Kimberly Dupps Truesdell, The Journal Gazette